
BPCA carries out a range of research and data analysis activities to better understand our sector and provide members, key stakeholders and the wider public with unbiased advice and information on the current picture of the UK pest control industry.

We provide support for numerous researchers across the UK and are often the first point of contact for those interested in the public health sector. We have supported media outlets, scientific research projects and PhD students.

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BPCA National Survey

We produce an authorititative report on the work carried out by local authorities, to examine and benchmark variations in services, resources and activity in regards to public health pest control.

The BPCA National Survey is the only comprehensive analysis of public health pest control in the UK. The information used is gathered through Freedom of Information Act requests from all 390 local authorities and is analysed to identify trends, gauge threats and present information on pests and how we deal with them.

National Survey 2016

Our latest National Survey reviews five years of data, and for the first time relates activity to population. As well as total numbers, and comparison by region, the report also presents averages and using trend analysis, attempts to forecast future levels of local authority activity. In addition, the report does present some budget data.

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National Survey 2015

Our 2015 National Survey contains analysis of local authority activity from the 2014/15 financial year, up until the 31 March 2015. For the first time, the report includes extensive regional analysis and a deeper level of detail in resource than previous iterations. 

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National Survey 2014

Our National Survey 2014 contains an analysis of two years' worth of data from local authorities across the UK, plus it gives a comparison of the last four years of data from every local authority in the country.

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National Survey 2013

Our 2013 National Survey of Pest Species gave data from the period April 2011 - March 2012, and was released in October 2013.

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